Monday, May 10, 2010

Ladies this fall/winters nail colors?

so i wanna know what color you guys are gonna wear most during fall and winter. and please write down your personality type ex. sporty, punk, girly etc. thanks!Ladies this fall/winters nail colors?
im mostly just a trendy-normal type of girl.the colors i love to wear in fall is winter i use sparkly light blue :)Ladies this fall/winters nail colors?
i guess you could call me a prep because i have a 4.0? or sporty because i play two sports? anyways during the summer i like wearing bright colors, so in the fall and winter i go for the darker ones. this year i found a really cool deep purple at sephora that i am in love with(: i used to have this really cool dark blue color too, but i ran out. outside what clique you are in though, i think it really depends on your skin tone and what looks good on you individually.
i like to mostly wear .. like orange and red colors in the call and black and in the winter i like to wear like blue..white and black to and some light colors really :) that might not help but that's me so sorry.
Deep Maroon


and Dark Purple.

Personality: Differs from day to day =] mostly jeans and Tshirts though.
this falls colors are greens if you have mebium/dark skin like me olive green would look best hope this helps!
Purples, Blues, Greens %26amp; Reds!

Grey and red!

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